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Concurso Tradicional de Verdiales - Agenda de Ocio Cultural de la Provincia de Málaga y su costa del Sol

Traditional 'Verdiales' competition


Benagalbón, in the municipality of Rincón de la Victoria (Axarquía), is home to the popular competition of traditional Verdiales (a local style of flamenco), and its streets come alive to the sound of over a dozen bands performing this particular 'mountain' genre.The Verdiales themselves are bands consisting of several musicians who dress up in flamboyant garb. As a means of adding an extra touch of excitement to the music and dancing, the bands face each other off in the street, the winner being the band that can speed up the rhythm and maintain the pace longer than the opponent.As if this were not enough, during the festival the enjoyment of local wines and other produce also increases dramatically.



  • Out of doors
  • Recommended for families
  • Located in an urban area

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