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Cámara de las Maravillas - Agenda Ocio Cultural  de la Provincia de Málaga y su Costa del Sol.

Chamber of Wonders, Marc Ryden


Mark Ryden gives his first retrospective in Europe at the Malaga Centre of Contemporary art with the exhibition "Cámara de las Maravillas'. This retrospective shows the artist"s most emblematic works, with canvases of different sizes, drawings, dioramas and different structures that help explain the difficult world of the artist known as the "father of Pop Surrealism".

All his series are included such as "The Snow Yak Show", "Blood", some in which nature predominates such as "The Tree Show" and works loaded with iconography such as "The Gay 90"s", with notable highlights and involuntary provocation. Mark Ryden is known for confronting mysterious classic characters with child characters with big sad eyes. These characters seem to know what you are thinking if you stop to look at them.


Parking and transport

  • Can be reached by public transport


  • Recommended for families
  • Located in an urban area

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