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Francisco Giner de los Ríos. Un andaluz de fuego en Mijas

Francisco Giner de los Ríos. 'Un andaluz de fuego' (An Andalusian fire) in Mijas

  • 27 Feb 2018 - 23 Mar 2018

Until the 23rd of March you can visit the itinerant sample 'Giner de los Ríos. Un andaluz de fuego' (An Andalusian fire).

In 1876 Giner founded the 'Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE) (The Free Educational Institution) as a private and independent educational centre, defending academic freedom. Giner, as well as his disciples, launched a project from the Free Educational Institution to modernize culture. His idea was to transform Spain by reforming education and cultivating science and open it to the intellectual and artistic trends that are developed in foreign countries. The current democratic Spain is indebted to the thought, always alive, from Giner.

After visiting the exhibit you'll see that the values he defended are still in in force nowadays: science and knowledge such as cultural and social progress development factors or the pursuit of world peace and the cooperation among villages, and much much more.

Opening times

  •  (27 Feb 2018 - 23 Mar 2018)

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