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I Torneo De Futbol 7 Solidario Contra El Ictus Asoc Mercader

1st 7-A-Side Charity Soccer Tournament for the Mercader Stroke Association

  • 2 Jun 2018

Would you like to enjoy the best football while you fight for a good cause? Here's your chance.

On Saturday 2 June at 10:00 on Isaac Peral Avenue in Málaga, the 1st 7-A-Side Charity Soccer Tournament for the Mercader Stroke Association will be held. A very exciting event hosted by the Asociación Deportiva Romaluz c.f.

A magnificent tournament where more than thirty teams take on a united fight, to beat stroke.

Slowly but surely, teams from all over the province of Málaga are joining, so the struggle will be more widespread and more public helping the cause.

The website provides information about the new participants and details of the day so you don't miss a single detail.

Opening times

  •  (2 Jun 2018)

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