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Starlite Festival. Noche Movida - Agenda Ocio Cultural de la Provincia de

Starlite Festival. Noche Movida


The 1980s will be brought back to life at Starlite with some of the most iconic singers and bands from this decade: Alejo Stivel from Tequila, Nacho Campillo from Tam Tam Go!, Nacho García Vega from Nacha Pop, Javier Gurruchaga, Rafa Sánchez from La Unión and Pablo Carbonell from Los Toreros Muertos. A special guest will be Argentine rock star Coti. The best of Spanish pop, right from one of the mythical periods of Spanish culture.


Parking and transport

  • Own parking


  • Out of doors
  • Located outside an urban area

How to get here

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