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Suite Flamenca - Agenda Ocio Cultural de la Provincia de Málaga y su Costa del Sol.

"Suite Flamenca" Rafael Amargo


In Suite Flamenca, Rafael Amargo presents a spectacle of purist flamenco, in its essence, stripped of all scenic adornment. It encompasses the purest aspects of this art through a contemporary concept, always present in this dancer"s choreographies.

Following the success of his major productions such as Poeta en Nueva York, Solo y Amargo, Enramblao, and DQ… Pasajero en tránsito, with Suite Flamenca he uses music and dance to serve the maximum expression of flamenco.

Rafael Amargo, one of Spain"s leading dancers and choreographers, and one of flamenco"s most internationally renowned figures, knows the purest essences of flamenco very well; for that reason, although his choreographies are very close to contemporary dance, they never lose that point of reference. An admirer of Antonio Gades, Amargo is an advocate of the dance company and the theatrical and staged concept of flamenco.

How to get here

The Cervantes Theatre is next to Plaza de la Merced, in the heart of Málaga City.

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