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El sentido del humor. Dos tontos y yo

El sentido del humor. Dos tontos y yo

  • 2 Nov 2019

Florentino Fernández, José Mota and Santiago Segura get together for this show called ‘Sense of humour: Two clowns and me’, an opportunity to see these characters together for the first time.

The concept of the show is clear: three great comedians get together on a stage to analyse, from their peculiar perspective, Sense of Humour. Having not been able to gather three great comedians for this sad task, Flo, Mota and Segura, also known in certain circles as the vieja del visillo (curtain twitching old lady), Krispin Klander and Torrente, have been drafted in instead.

Opening times

  • Torremolinos (2 Nov 2019)

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