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Molino Morisco de los Corchos - Provincia de Málaga y su Costa del Sol

Molino Morisco de los Corchos


The Molino Morisco de los Corchos or Moorish Cork Mill gets its name because it served as a means to grind cork from 1905 to 1941. This era coincided with a pivotal grape export industry, so they devised a system to isolate the grapes. This mill is one of the few maintained in good condition. It's near the Fahala river, which has been its water source since the Middle Ages. It holds an Andalusia Heritage Site declaration.



  • Located outside an urban area
  • Inland area

How to get here

In theoldN-340is accessed,Coindirectiontothe A-366,whichgoes directlytoAlhaurinel Grande.FromMalagacapitalexitsCártamaroad(A-357),and onceyou get there taketheMA-425,whichresults inAlhaurín elGrande.Oncethere goto thecostsof the Brave.

Fullgraphical path:

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