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Museo de la Archicofradía del Paso y la Esperanza

Museo de la Archicofradía del Paso y la Esperanza


Museo de la Archicofradía del Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno del Paso y María Santísima de la Esperanza offers visitors 400m2 of museum space over two floors in the municipality of Malaga.

The collection is based on the heritage of the brotherhood and comprises processional thrones, sacred images, processional objects and a collection of paintings by famous artists. A key piece is the mural by Eugenio Chicano.

In addition to the thrones of Walking Jesus and Mary of Hope, you can see a beautiful collection of embroidery, precious metal work, sculptures and paintings.

There are works from first-class artists including Esperanza Elena Caro, Manuel Mendoza, Salvador Oliver, Talleres Fernández y Enríquez, Manuel Villarreal, Manuel Seco Velasco, Juan Borrero, Palma Burgos, Adrian Risueño, Andrés Cabello Requena and Rodríguez Acost.

The room with the ceiling painted by Eugenio Chicano is a highlight of the museum. The piece tells the story of the brotherhood.

The museum is housed in a building next to the church. There is also an annex which is dedicated to assembling the thrones before they are taken out as part of a procession.



  • Recommended for families
  • Located in an urban area

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