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La Noche en Blanco Ma´laga

La Noche en Blanco Ma´laga

    7pm to 1am 
  • 20 May 2023

On the 20 May, the 14th edition of La Noche en Blanco is held in Malaga; an event where art and culture come together to the delight of locals and visitors who soak up the arty vibe while enjoying all kinds of activities. This year, the overarching theme of the event is 'el gen de la buena vida' (the gene of the good life), an idea thought up by La Huella agency that symbolises what unites people from Malaga. Dance, music, audiovisuals, street art, exhibitions, performing arts, and all sorts of cultural events will make this day an exciting and enjoyable one that you can’t miss out on. Check out the full programme and choose whatever events take your fancy.


Parking and transport

  • Close to public parking
  • Can be reached by public transport

Opening times

  • 7pm to 1am (20 May 2023)

How to get here

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